The show Secret Life of the American Teenager is aired on ABC Family. This show is captivating and interests me every Monday at eight pm. There has been about 2 seasons and is now on its third one. This show takes a look at the relationships between teenagers in High School and how they react when what one person does effects the circle of friends. This show caught my attention at first because a young 15 year old girl found out she was pregnant after coming from Band Camp. Interesting right? This show has a lot of characters that interact and connect to each other. If I were to try to describe it it would be kind of difficult to understand. This show has three wins and nine nominations. It won the Gracie Award and the Teen Choice Award both in 2009 and won the Teen Choice Award again in 2008.
It's so easy to relate to and is also very emotional depending on what kind of things you been through throughout your life. You can find at least one thing in each character to relate to down to foster parents, pregnancies, the loss of parents, the divorce of parents, relationships gone wrong faults of infidelity and a lot more.
One bad thing about this show is that I guess all the time whenever they show the trailer for the next episode and I'm always right, which is kind of disappointing. At the same time you think the girl Amy the girl who got pregnant and her baby's father are going to get together which I have been dying to happen but I was wrong. The intensity has died down as the seasons continued and it's kind of upsetting because sometimes I would force myself to watch it but it is very much so still very interesting.
If I had to rate this show I would have to give it a 7 out of 10 just because of those faults in the last paragraph but other then that the show is very relaxing. It's something you would want to do when your home watching t.v by yourself eating popcorn or maybe while your eating ice cream. It can also help you gather yourself if your in a related issue. So I say watch it every Monday at 8 pm.
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